Sex Crimes Defense Attorney in Boston, MA

Experienced Defense Against Sex Crime Allegations in Massachusetts

When you have been charged with a sex crime in Boston, you cannot afford to waste any time. Because of the sensitive nature of these types of crimes, prosecutors almost always pursue them aggressively. Therefore, making sure that you have an experienced Boston sex crimes attorney on your side is indispensable when seeking a favorable outcome.

At Gens & Stanton, P.C., our experienced Boston sex crime lawyers understand the complex challenges associated with these cases. Allow our team to provide you with the legal counsel that you need.

Why Choose Gens & Stanton, P.C.

  • We Prioritize Open Communication
  • Thorough, Detailed Preparation for Every Case
  • Easily Accessible - Available when You Need Us
  • FREE CONSULTATIONS with Our Legal Team

Give us a call today at (617) 206-4675 or contact us online to schedule a free case consultation with a Boston sex crime lawyer.

Types of Sex Crime Charges 

A guilty conviction can have life-altering consequences. Depending on the nature of the charge, individuals may have to register as a sex offender for the rest of their lives. For others, the charge may stay on their criminal record, limiting their ability to obtain a job. Due to the range of outcomes, it is recommended that you seek our legal services as soon as possible.

Examples of Sex Crimes in Massachusetts:

  • Criminal solicitation of a minor
  • Sexual exploitation
  • Sexual assault
  • Indecency with a child
  • Obscene display or distribution
  • Child molestation
  • Possession of child pornography
  • Sexual misconduct
  • Aggravated sexual assault
  • Prostitution
  • Rape
  • Public lewdness and indecent exposure

Penalties for Sex Crimes in Massachusetts

Since a guilty conviction can greatly affect your life, our team first aims to have the charges dismissed or minimized. When this is not possible, a plea agreement may be able to be reached with prosecutors, depending on the nature of the crime. Possible outcomes may include registration as a sex offender, fines, probation, a prison sentence, and attending a court-ordered treatment program. Our sex crimes lawyers in Boston can sit down with you and help you understand your situation and give you realistic expectations for your case.

If you find yourself facing a sex crime charge in Boston, call us today at (617) 206-4675.